What is Hypnotherapy?

Do you sometimes find it hard to relax your mind? Hypnotherapy is a wonderful modality that can help you gain greater focus and clarity. At Divine Clarity, hypnotherapy is used for all sorts of healing. You may want to let go of Limiting Beliefs. You may want to overcome anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy can help with all of this.

  • Hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses hypnosis to put clients into a relaxed state of consciousness, making them open to suggestibility and allowing them to gain access to the deeper recesses of their mind – known as the subconscious. The subconscious is where all your personal experiences (every one you have ever had), emotions, beliefs, thoughts and ideas are stored. The subconscious determines our everyday decision-making and actions more than we realise. Hence to make effective, sustainable change we need to access the subconscious mind, reprogram it where necessary, build resources and let go of limiting beliefs that no longer serve us. When I refer to reprogramming the subconscious mind, a couple of things actually occur. Firstly, on a physiological level, neural pathways are rewired in a manner that benefits you, making you happier and more at peace. Secondly, on an energetic level, there are shifts that happen within you. Energetically your thoughts become more positive, creating more positivity within your life. We must remember that every thought we have is energy, and that we are creators - we create and mould the life we want to live. Positive thoughts will always increase the frequency that you vibrate at. This in turn means you will attract more positive experiences.

    However, of course, life is not perfect and sometimes we are thrown curveballs. When we have a resilient, clear mind, an abundance of inner resources and tools and a strong connection to our inner self, we are better able to deal with these curveballs.

    The subconscious is also the gateway to understanding more about who you are at a soul level.

    Just by relaxing your mind and focusing your attention on my voice, you will gain insight and clarity about matters that may be perplexing you or questions you may have about who you are at a soul level or what your purpose is in this lifetime.

    There is a vast collection of therapeutic tools that fall under the hypnotherapy banner:

    • Direct/Indirect Suggestion

    • Visualization

    • Resource Building

    • Current Life Regression

    • Past Life Regression

    • Ego State Therapy…the list goes on

  • Direct suggestion is a very common hypnotherapy tool and is very powerful. While the client is in this relaxed state, and their subconscious is open to suggestion, direct suggestion is a key part of reprograming the subconscious mind. Indirect suggestion involves giving instruction in a more roundabout way.

  • Visualisation is another powerful tool where a therapist will guide the client’s imagination to rehearse the desired outcome and imagine that the outcome has already been achieved. The changes will be embedded in the subconscious mind. The subconsciuos mind will then start opening up your consciousness to opportunities and ideas that are aligned with the original desired outcome. This is when real change and magic start to happen.

  • Using direct suggestion and visualisation, a client is guided to enhance resources such as self-esteem, inner peace, self-love, self-worth etc. Once again, repetition is key.

  • Current Life Regression (CLR) is an incredibly powerful tool and one way it can be made possible is through hypnosis. Remember that when I say hypnosis, I am referring to relaxing your conscious mind so that your brainwaves lower, getting you into a heightened state of awareness, and gaining access to the subconscious. The subconscious mind is a massive depository of memories - every experience you have ever had is stored in your subconscious mind. The aim of a CLR is to get to the Initial Sensitising Event (ISE). Once we have the ISE, the childhood event is played out. I will then guide your adult self to provide resources to your child self, and then the event is played out again. CLRs have been around for many years and over the years, various people have created their own versions of this wonderful tool. However, the underlying concept is the same across the board – heal the inner child and you heal the adult!!

  • During a Past Life Regression (PLR), I will guide you on a journey to discover who you were in a previous life, so you can learn what you need to for this lifetime. Perhaps there is a pattern that is echoed in your past lives that you need to break in this lifetime. You can also bring back with you resources and skills that you possessed in a past life. Apart from aiding you in this current life, a PLR will refresh your soul and give you a different outlook on life. You realise the eternity of the soul – that this lifetime you are living now is one of many. Each soul is unique, with its divine gifts, challenges, blockages, past life histories and future lives. Knowing the eternity of the soul gives one much comfort during this physical experience we call life on planet Earth. A PLR may also give you clarity of mind and purpose. Are you wondering what your purpose is in this lifetime?

  • Ego State Therapy is another amazing tool that helps to rewire neural pathways. EST recognizes that we are made up of various parts. There are surface states and lower states. The surface states are those ego states you show to the world on a daily basis, and you will move through these states depending on the situation you are in. This is why one can have a different personality when they are at work than when they are at home. Hypnosis is the method I use to gain access to a client’s ego states. Most ego states are created during childhood. Learning about one’s ego states and helping them to work together is the key. When someone’s ego states are in conflict, it can lead to a person feeling unsettled, unhappy, or confused. However, when one’s ego states are more aligned and working together, then a person will feel happier, inner peace and clarity of mind. My objective is to help you gain clarity by understanding who you really are at a deeper level.

Divine Clarity Services